Child Protection Policy
1. Introduction
ELDA Theatre Academy is committed to safeguarding the welfare of all children and young people involved in our activities. This policy outlines our approach to protecting children from harm, abuse, and exploitation.
2. Policy Aims
- To promote good practice and ensure that all members, volunteers, and partners understand their responsibilities to safeguard children.
- To provide children and young people with appropriate safety and protection while in the care of ELDA Theatre Academy.
- To ensure that all suspicions and allegations of abuse are taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately.
3. Definitions
- Child: Any person under the age of 18.
- Abuse: Any form of physical, emotional, sexual harm, or neglect.
4. Responsibilities
- Designated Safeguarding Person: responsible for ensuring that child protection procedures are followed and for liaising with statutory child protection agencies.
- Members and Volunteers: All members and volunteers must understand their responsibilities to protect children and report any concerns to the Designated Safeguarding Person.
- Documenting any accidents that should occur whilst children are in our care on an accident report form.
- Children must be picked up by a known parent/guardian. If another adult unknown to us needs to pick your child up we will need face to face/verbal confirmation of this.
- Children over 12 years will be able to make their own way home if we have had written consent from a parent guardian.
5. Procedures
- Recruitment: All staff will hold a DBS and undergo appropriate background checks and training.
- Reporting Concerns: Any concerns about a child’s welfare should be reported immediately to the Designated Safeguarding Person.
- Response to Allegations: All allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and reported to the appropriate authorities.
6. Creating a Safe Environment
- Ensure that activities are conducted in a safe and secure environment.
- Maintain appropriate supervision ratios.
- All children will be permitted to use the toilet one at a time and all children under the age of 8 years will be accompanied to the toilet and back by a member of staff.
- Promoting an anti-bullying environment and ensuring staff follow our code of conduct policy should any bullying arise.
- Obtain written consent from parents or guardians for children’s participation in activities.
- Parents and carers are not permitted inside of the building and should drop their children off and pick them up at the entrance.
7. Training
- Provide regular training for all staff on child protection issues and procedures.
8. Monitoring and Review
- This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains effective and up-to-date.
9. Contact Information
North Tyneside Council – The Front Door Service – 03452000109
NSPCC - 08088005000
Police – 999